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Bickershaw Church of England Primary School

Welcome to

Bickershaw Church of England Primary School

‘Valuing the past, inspiring the present and ambitious for the future.’

‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever’ Hebrews 13:8
(Father, Son and Holy Spirit – The Trinity)

Our vision for Bickershaw Church of England Primary School is to:


In our church school community everyone is valued and encouraged to flourish, becoming successful lifelong learners, achieving their academic and spiritual potential.


In a supportive environment our Christian Values, firmly rooted in the Bible, enable all to be self-motivated, resilient and responsible citizens.


 Inspired by the life of Christ, as a support, guide and friend, we share the Gospel, aiming to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world and reaching out to the wider community.



You can find our Vision and Values handbook below